Lobbying: how to turn evil into good

Lobbying: how to turn evil into good

Arutiunian A.S.

Finance University under the RF Government, Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia armenaru@gmail.com

ID of the Article: 6183

For citation:

Arutiunian A.S. Lobbying: how to turn evil into good. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2016. No 5. P. 54-60


The activities of interest groups in politics and economy are analysed in the article. Concepts of interest groups in the Russian and foreign sources are provided. Process of pressure groups rise in Russia is investigated. The interrelation of unregulated lobbying activities by interest groups is reconstructed in the context of interrelation between corporations and the government. lobbying models are shown as well as forms and mechanisms regulating lobbists’ activities abroad; the range of interests of the pressure groups is demonstrated. Mechanisms of their consolidation at various levels of the Russian Federation offical hierarchy are analysed basing on the concept formulated. Necessity of integrating lobbying activities into the Russian legal framework is stated.

interest groups; pressure groups; lobbying activity; legalization of lobbying activity; lobbying activity regulation; “expert lobbyists”
Content No 5, 2016