Nikulin A. М. Аgrarniki, vlast, i selo: ot proshlogo k nastoyashchemu (Agrarians, government and village: fron the past to the future). М., 2014 reviewed by S. N. Ignatova

Nikulin A. М. Аgrarniki, vlast, i selo: ot proshlogo k nastoyashchemu (Agrarians, government and village: fron the past to the future). М., 2014 reviewed by S. N. Ignatova

Ignatova S.N.

Sociological Institute Russian academy of sciences, St-Petersburg, Russia

ID of the Article: 6489

Rubric: Book reviews

For citation:

Ignatova S.N. Nikulin A. М. Аgrarniki, vlast, i selo: ot proshlogo k nastoyashchemu (Agrarians, government and village: fron the past to the future). М., 2014 reviewed by S. N. Ignatova. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2016. No 12. P. 153-154



Content No 12, 2016