Has labor motivation changed in post-Soviet Russia?

Has labor motivation changed in post-Soviet Russia?

Bessokirnaya G.P.

Cand. Sci. (Ec.), Assoc. Prof., Senior Researcher, Institute of Sociology, Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia gala@isras.ru

ID of the Article: 6519

For citation:

Bessokirnaya G.P. Has labor motivation changed in post-Soviet Russia?. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 1. P. 94-105


Based on the materials of four sociological studies (2003 to 2014) at a number of industrial enterprises in Russia’s regional centers we conclude that in post-Soviet Russia, the “core”of labor motivation of the work force remains stable. The motives recorded in the Soviet Union since mid-1970s remain extremely important to Russian workers today. Since the beginning of market economy formation, the motive of job security, and, during the 2010 decade, the factor of relationship with the management were added to the list. At this stage of the transformation of Russian society the “core” of the work force motives includes: good wages, work safety, job security, convenient work schedule, good relationships with co-workers, reasonable sanitary and hygienic conditions, relationships with management, interesting, fulfilling work. Specificity of work situation at particular industrial enterprises, as well as various characteristics of the external operational environment (phase of modernization of the region) and the form of ownership (joint-stock or private) of these industrial enterprises have practically no influence on the structure and hierarchy of labor motivations. Emergence of new subjectivity of the work force is possible only with the establishment of specific workplace conditions that meet diverse needs and interests, which are already reflected in the labor motives of the absolute majority of the workers. Besides the core motivations, they include: utilization of abilities and skills, as well as opportunity to socialize with other people.

labor motivation; work situation; type of region; form of enterprise ownership; work force


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Content No 1, 2017