Mob justice in adolescence and youth

Mob justice in adolescence and youth

Smirnov A.M.

Dr. Sci. (Law), Associate Prof., Chief Researcher SIC-2, Research Institute, Federal Penitentiary Service; Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, International Law Institute, Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 6733

For citation:

Smirnov A.M. Mob justice in adolescence and youth. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 6. P. 108-116


This paper describes the mob justice killings among adolescents and young people in Russia today. The characteristic of individuals predisposed to administer the punishment. The paper presents a set of factors (objective: the level of violence in society and the criminalization of social relations, the negative ideological influence, social impact, influence social attitudes, glorification, romanticizing and justification mob justice executions in the Russian society, the influence of the mass media; and subjective: subcultural features of adolescent and youth environment, particularly the formation of the person on the stage of growing up, change (distortion) of value (meaning of life) orientation, level of culture and morals of adolescents and youth, neglect of adolescents and youth, lack of educational and pedagogical influence, spread among Russian teenagers and drinking young people, addiction and substance abuse, especially physiological development), causing the mob justice violence among these social communities, and given their characteristics.

social conflicts; minors; adolescents; youth; violence; lynching; youth subculture; adolescent subculture; formation of personality


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Content No 6, 2017