How to interest the sociologist for the study of art and spiritual life?

How to interest the sociologist for the study of art and spiritual life?

Popov Е.А.

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof., Head of the Department of General Sociology, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia рopov.е

ID of the Article: 6738

For citation:

Popov Е.А. How to interest the sociologist for the study of art and spiritual life?. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 6. P. 143-149


The article is devoted to the specifics of sociology of art and sociology of spiritual life. These branches of social science are actively developing, and develop their own approaches to the study of art phenomena and spiritual life. However, the emphasis is on the identification of factors increasing scientific interest in understanding these phenomena. Also the issue of the difficulties in the understanding of the phenomenon of art and phenomena of the spiritual life of man and society is addressesed. The main reason that impede their sociological perception, are present in specific studies of pronounced philosophical context: sanctity, substantionally. Also the complexity of the application of empirical methods of sociology matters, the lack of clear boundaries of sociality of art and spiritual life. For anyone art is an individual perception of reality. Spiritual life is the individual human response to events, attitude toward the world. To reveal the social meanings of art and spiritual life is the most important task of sociological knowledge. But sociologists are faced with many difficulties. Therefore, they do not always show interest in the study of art and spiritual life. It is important to involve them in solving the problems of these areas of human collective and individual life. But how to do it? The answer to this question ought be sought in the two coordinate systems. First, you need to keep in mind the value-semantic nature of the object of study. This will allow the sociologist to draw attention to the social meanings of art. Second, special importance have individual and social attitudes toward art and the phenomena of spiritual life. Here the sociologist can reveal the potential that art in the formation of public opinion. The article also highlights a number of important features that can revive the interest of sociologists for the study of art and spiritual life. These include the following features: art and the spiritual life is a complex education in the being of man and society, reflecting their relationship in everyday life and on the symbolic level; they show the connection of times, generations and societies in a sociological perspective, reveal the breaking of characters, social forces, contradictions of reality, etc. Active involvement in the study of art and spiritual life greatly increases the status of sociology as a science in the study of man and society, nature and culture.

sociology of art; sociology of culture; sociology of spiritual life; art; man and society; values; interdisciplinary interaction of Sciences


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Content No 6, 2017