In the genre of social diagnosis: the 25th anniversary of the Russian reforms (on the monograph by R.H. Simonyan)

In the genre of social diagnosis: the 25th anniversary of the Russian reforms (on the monograph by R.H. Simonyan)

Khalikova S.S.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Assoc. Prof., Department of sociology, Social Work and Law Far East Institute of Management – branch of RANEPA, Khabarovsk, Russia

ID of the Article: 7074

For citation:

Khalikova S.S. In the genre of social diagnosis: the 25th anniversary of the Russian reforms (on the monograph by R.H. Simonyan). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2018. No 2. P. 166-173


A quarter of a century ago, Russia began economic reforms by destroying an outdated system of policy planning. But the expected technological modernization and creation a more efficient economic system did not happen. Rental model, born in 1990-s, prevents innovative development of Russia. In the published third edition on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the beginning of reform R.H. Simonyan on the basis of a broad social science approach analyzes the processes of preparation and implementation of reforms and their consequences for the Russian society. The results of the decade are considered in all major aspects: social, economic, demographic, political, legal, cultural-historical and moral-psychological.

the transformation of post-socialist countries; political and economic reforms of the 1990-ies; subjective factor of history


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Content No 2, 2018