The social ideal of Marx and historical limits of the capital deve lop ment

The social ideal of Marx and historical limits of the capital deve lop ment

Slavin B.F.

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof. of Political Science Department, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Assistant of President of The Gorbachev Foundation, Editor-in-Chief of the journal ‘’Democracy and Socialism XXI’’, Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 7176

For citation:

Slavin B.F. The social ideal of Marx and historical limits of the capital deve lop ment. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2018. No 5. P. 35-44


The paper presents the views of K. Marx on the formation and role of the social ideal in history. It gives a critique of Russian conservative ideologists who accuse Marx and his materialistic understanding of history in utopianism and religious eschatology. In polemics with these ideologists, the author turns to Marx’s concept of “self-abnegation” of capital, which is especially relevant in our time of intensive development of science and automation of production, creating the necessary material and social premises for the liberation of labor and its transformation into creative activity, that follow not the law of “working hours”, but “free time”. It was precisely these objective processes that Marx associates with the transition of mankind to a postcapitalist society that would allow not only to overcome the narrow horizon of bourgeois law, but also to create an association in which the free development of everyone becomes a condition for the free development of all.

social ideal; history; eschatology; utopia; wage labour; alienation; overcoming; limits of development; selfabnegation of capital; automation of production; creative activity; working hours and free time; bourgeois law; post


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Content No 5, 2018