On the Linguistic Turn in Sociology

On the Linguistic Turn in Sociology

Liu Juan

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof., Director of the Russian Department at Jiangsu Ocean University, Lianyungang city, China liujuan1971@yandex.ru

ID of the Article: 7253

For citation:

Liu Juan On the Linguistic Turn in Sociology. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2018. No 7. P. 115-123


In this article, various points of view on the human language are analyzed both in traditional and modern parts in Sociology; Sociology of Language and Sociolinguistics which study the combination of language and society are distinguished; the causes of the Linguistic Turn in Sociology are revealed. From the inception of Sociology to the 60s of the 20th century, language was not included in its field of vision. With the appearance of "Linguistic Turn" in philosophy, literature and other spheres of the humanities, "Linguistic Turn" also takes place in the sphere of Sociology. Language is a social phenomenon, and language occupies a significant position in the daily social life and the history of social civilization. Traditional sociologists do care much about human language. They emphasize that Sociology is based on empirical facts. The Linguistic problems have become the mainstream of Contemporary Sociology in Garfinkel and others' Ethnomethodology, Ricoeur's Hermeneutic Sociology, Habermas's Theory of Communicative Action, Bourdieu's Reflexive Sociol¬ogy and Foucault's Anti-Structuralist Sociology. The Linguistic Turn in the field of Sociology is mainly based on reasons: the changes of social basic contradictions bring about human languages's being one of the focus of social sciences, in the area of liberal arts, linguistics' turn drive social sciences in motion, and the development of the trends of social sciences cause.

Language; linguistic turn; sociology; language; sociolinguistics; lingvo sociology


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Content No 7, 2018