Institutional Violence in the Perception of the Population in the Countries of Southeastern Europe

Institutional Violence in the Perception of the Population in the Countries of Southeastern Europe

Cerovic D.M.

Dr. Sci. (Law), Prof., Faculty of Law Podgorica, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro

ID of the Article: 7665

For citation:

Cerovic D.M. Institutional Violence in the Perception of the Population in the Countries of Southeastern Europe. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2019. No 5. P. 158-163


The article is devoted to the study of institutional violence in transitional countries of Southeast Europe. The goal is to investigate the problem of institutional violence and to extend its definition in terms of unacceptable consequences for basic social values (freedom, democracy, rule of law, security, etc.). In the post-socialist countries of this region, social conditions have changed significantly, impacting the emergence of new forms of institutional violence. It starts with the hypothesis that quasi-institutional factors have led to an increase in institutional violence in the observed countries. In addition to the survey of respondents, the method of multiple linear regression analysis was also used. The conclusion was made on the verification of the basic hypothesis, and on the significant level of institutional violence in the countries of Southeast Europe.

institutions; alternative institutions; rule of law; institutional violence; opportunistic behavior


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Content No 5, 2019