Marriage, Family, Students’ Social Attitudes and Representations

Marriage, Family, Students’ Social Attitudes and Representations

Nazarova I.B.

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Leading Expert of the Centre for social entrepreneurship and social innovation at the National research university «Higher school of Economics», Moscow, Russia

Zelenskaya M.P.

PhD student of the Department of sociology, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 7737

For citation:

Nazarova I.B., Zelenskaya M.P. Marriage, Family, Students’ Social Attitudes and Representations. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2019. No 7. P. 78-89


In 2018, social representations of reproductive attitudes and reproductive behavior of students were studied. By means of vignettes method with the inclusion of five factors-values that determine students’ reproductive behavior and life trajectory. The use of the methodology for determining the structure of social representations allowed us to identify four main groups that differ significantly in their views on reproductive behavior, career building. The greatest consensus among undergraduate students (> 60%) was stated regarding students who have found a life partner (created a family), begun working, started a career during the studying process. According to 46,5–57,5% of the study participants, the rational development of events is connected to completing education and delay in creating a family and having a baby. Besides, they approve employment after graduation. Acceptable course of events (support 30,4 to 44,4%) – living without any specific strategy during the studying period. Respondents support spontaneous actions depending on circumstances. Undesirable course of events (conflict level consensus – supported by less than a third) means those students who devalue higher education and are ready to stop studying for no reason. There was identified a connection between characteristics of the respondent, reproductive attitudes and ideas about them: students, whose reproductive attitudes, related to creating a family and having a baby, are often ready to support their peers who have decided to have a baby. Representatives of Slavic nationalities, especially – girls, believe that creation of a family while being a student should be postponed. Often abortion is not considered as a deviation and may be approved (two-thirds of boys and girls are ready to support it), if childbirth prevents a student from getting further education, marrying, developing romantic relationships.

reproductive attitudes; social representations; students; family; marriage; vignettes


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Content No 7, 2019