Contexts of the Formation of Professional Competences with Working Youth: Factory, Shift Work, “Garage”

Contexts of the Formation of Professional Competences with Working Youth: Factory, Shift Work, “Garage”

Andreeva Ju.V.

Сand. Sci. (Ps.), Assoc. Prof., Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Russia.

Lukyanova E.L.

Lecturer of Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Russia.

ID of the Article: 8107

This work was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 18-411-730012.

For citation:

Andreeva Ju.V., Lukyanova E.L. Contexts of the Formation of Professional Competences with Working Youth: Factory, Shift Work, “Garage”. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2020. No 4. P. 105-116


The paper explores professional competences of young Russian workers. Based on survey conducted in Ulyanovsk in 2017–2019, we analyze how attitude to work and the understanding of professionalism depends on characteristics of the workplace (factory, “vakhta” or garage microfirm). Our results show that each type of workplace requires a specific type of worker with a distinctive set of skills and corresponding professional values. At the same time, we distinguish some common features of youth labor consciousness that facilitate adaption to different types of employment and occupations. The adjustment is mediated by the discontinuity of young workers career. Frequent job changes, often accompanied by occupational changes, create new meanings of professional development.

youth; working class; competence; professional identity; employment behavior; attitude to work


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Content No 4, 2020