Prospects for the Work-to-Rule Strikes in Russia

Prospects for the Work-to-Rule Strikes in Russia

Akhmadullin I.R.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Assoc. Prof. of Social Work, Pedagogic and Psychology Department, Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia

ID of the Article: 8338

For citation:

Akhmadullin I.R. Prospects for the Work-to-Rule Strikes in Russia. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2020. No 10. P. 95-105


Based on socio-economic statistics, the results of sociological surveys and analysis of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation the article shows that such a form of struggle for upholding one’s rights as a classic strike is practically not feasible in the conditions of bureaucratic forms of conciliation procedures. Consideration of various alternative forms of strike nature as well as the author’s experience in organizing an work-to-rule strike, during which consulting and informational support were provided to the organizers of the action, lead to the conclusion that such protests are promising in Russia indirectly confirming growth of social and labor conflicts in Russia. At the same time this fact, which falls outside the field of view of modern legal norms, is inconvenient for employers as well hindering a constructive dialogue in society, when relations between business owners and wage labor still remain the prevailing form of labor relations. Hence, conclusion is suggested that it is indispensably to rethink the content of the concept of “strike” in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, to regulate the p

strike action; Italian strike; labor law; social protest


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Content No 10, 2020