J. Arnason’s Civilizational and Relational Analysis and Global Dimension of Soviet Modernity

J. Arnason’s Civilizational and Relational Analysis and Global Dimension of Soviet Modernity

Karasev D.Yu.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Researcher, Center for Sanctions Policy Expertise, MGIMO-University, Moscow, Russia dk89@mail.ru

ID of the Article: 8804

For citation:

Karasev D.Yu. J. Arnason’s Civilizational and Relational Analysis and Global Dimension of Soviet Modernity. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2021. No 9. P. 151-156


The volume “Civilizational patterns and historical processes” includes J. Arnason’s works on the theory and methodology of civilizational analysis as a paradigm of historical sociology related to the “cultural turn”. It distinguishes some varieties of modern civilizational analysis and explains their differences from the traditional one. The second part of the review considers J. Arnason’s contribution into investigations of soviet modernity in the terms of alternative globalization project as well as the communism entangled with the Chinese one.

Johan Arnason; civilizational analysis; historical sociology; modernity; sovietology
Content No 9, 2021