Social Enterprises: Demand for Support

Social Enterprises: Demand for Support

Nazarova I.B.

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 9372

The reported study was funded by RFBR and BRFBR, project number 20-511-00047.

For citation:

Nazarova I.B. Social Enterprises: Demand for Support. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2022. No 11. P. 144-148


The study is based on a survey of 359 social entrepreneurs. In 2021–2022, 81,6% of social entrepreneurs received some kind of support, including from a large business organization (23,4%), state or non-state non-profit foundations (18,7%). The most significant for social enterprises is the assistance that the state can provide; first, these are subsidies, grants, other gratuitous financial resources for implementing the main activities of the organization (73,3%), tax benefits (63,5%), and subsidies for socially significant programs (56,8%). Social entrepreneurs need the support of large businesses (65,2%), would like to receive investments in new projects (40,2%), assistance in promoting products to the market (38,4%), preferential loans (21,1%). Only 10,6% of social enterprises were able to receive financial support from large businesses, 7.0 – assistance in promoting products to the market. Also, to receive investments in new projects, rent premises at a discount, use the property of a large organization (14,8%). The reasons why social enterprises do not enjoy business support differ: 30,9% of social entrepreneurs explain this by the absence of large companies in their region; 17% consider large companies inaccessible to contacts; 29,1% of social entrepreneurs are sure that big business is not interested in cooperation with them, because they have nothing to offer. Factor analysis showed importance for most enterprises of all types of support from the state. For social entrepreneurship, producing an innovative product and providing innovative services, support from large businesses and non-profit foundations is more important.

social entrepreneurship; social entrepreneurs; state support


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Content No 11, 2022