Book Transformation: Mediatization of the Collective Experience of Generations

Book Transformation: Mediatization of the Collective Experience of Generations

Kolomiets V. P.

Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Prof., Head of Sociology of Mass Communication Department of the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 9779

For citation:

Kolomiets V. P. Book Transformation: Mediatization of the Collective Experience of Generations . Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2023. No 9. P. 156-161


The article offers an overview of the book “Book Wars: The Digital Revolution in Publishing” written by J.B. Thompson, a sociologist at the University of Cambridge. The paper discusses the history and transformation of book publishing during the digital era, including the conflicts between traditional publishers and technology companies, and the innovations in e-book technology. The author explores the conflicts between traditional paper book publishers and technological companies, as well as the various innovations in the field of e-books. The author also explores relationship between digital technology and society, which allow him to derive theoretical conclusions, as well as the methodology of social research into complex processes generated by digital revolution.

book; publishing; digital revolution; book wars; technology platforms


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Content No 9, 2023