Transformation of Parental Involvement in the Children`s Lives

Transformation of Parental Involvement in the Children`s Lives

Dorofeeva Z.Y.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Researcher Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS; Researcher Head of the Center for Longitudinal Studies at the Institute for Social Policy, HSE University, Moscow, Russia.

Kozyreva P. M.

Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), First Deputy Director Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS; Head of the Center for Longitudinal Studies at the Institute for Social Policy, HSE University, Moscow, Russia.

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Dorofeeva Z.Y., Kozyreva P. M. Transformation of Parental Involvement in the Children`s Lives. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2023. No 8. P. 86-100


Using data from the “Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey – Higher School of Economics” (RLMS-HSE), this article analyzes the process of transforming parental involvement in children’s lives. A retrospective analysis of 6 categories of practices of this involvement is conducted against the background of social transformations: preparing lessons, attending parent-teacher meetings, reading, physical activity, visiting doctors and vacationing. The study revealed an intensification of interaction with children in all areas, a decrease in gender asymmetry is manifested in the growth of the fathers’ involvement and a decrease in the predominant involvement of mothers. The analyzed data allowed to present the transformation of parental and other relatives’ involvement practices in children’s lives, showing that children have gradually become a more significant part of adults’ lives, and parenting itself has become more intensive.

parental involvement; parenting; parental practices; intensive parenting; RLMS-HSE


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Content No 8, 2023