Intellectual potentials of a social organization: problems of development and utilization

Intellectual potentials of a social organization: problems of development and utilization

Kungurtseva G.F.

Ufa state aviation technologies university, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia

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For citation:

Kungurtseva G.F. Intellectual potentials of a social organization: problems of development and utilization. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2014. No 9. P. 63-68


The notion of personality’s intellectual potential is offered and structure of social organization is described. Necessity to search for optimum forms of social interaction between employees and top management, as well as for involvement of employees into the process of decision making is argued for. Contemporary state of shaping and use of personnel’s potentials is analyzed and assessed.

management; intellectual potentials; social organization; intellect; development
Content No 9, 2014