Nashe proshloye: nostal’ghitcheskiye vospominaniya ili ugroza budushchemu? (Our past: nostalgic memories or threat for the future? / Ed. by Î.B. Bozhkov. St.-Petersburg, 2015 – reviewed by Z.À. Vafina

Nashe proshloye: nostal’ghitcheskiye vospominaniya ili ugroza budushchemu? (Our past: nostalgic memories or threat for the future? / Ed. by Î.B. Bozhkov. St.-Petersburg, 2015 – reviewed by Z.À. Vafina

ID of the Article:

Rubric: Book reviews

For citation:

Vafina Z.À. Nashe proshloye: nostal’ghitcheskiye vospominaniya ili ugroza budushchemu? (Our past: nostalgic memories or threat for the future? / Ed. by Î.B. Bozhkov. St.-Petersburg, 2015 – reviewed by Z.À. Vafina. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2016. No 4. P. 159-161



Content No 4, 2016