Creative labor and ownership of everyone for everything: opportunity and problems

Creative labor and ownership of everyone for everything: opportunity and problems

Ryasanov V.T.

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof., Head of the Department of Economic theory at Saint-Petersburg State University, SaintPetersburg, Russia v.ryazanov@

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For citation:

Ryasanov V.T. Creative labor and ownership of everyone for everything: opportunity and problems. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2018. No 3. P. 138-143


The article is devoted to the discussion of issues of ownership and motivation of labour in the transition to a knowledge-based economy. Article is dedicated to the analysis by A.V. Buzgalin of the opportunity and benefits of the ownership by everybody of everything in a creative economy. It is noted that the proposed option of individually-public ownership form could become a promising form of public ownership. Attention is drawn to the fact that the ability of capital and market expansion creates serious obstacles in its implementation. Especially such capital property is characteristic for the overaccumulation. To overcome the existing obstacles, reliance on kreatariat is required as a social force that is interested for the transformation of post-industrial capitalist society.

creative economy; creative labor; kreatariat; public goods; form of ownership; reforming; late capitalism


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Content No 3, 2018