Welfare state: between humanism and pragmatism

Welfare state: between humanism and pragmatism

Kasavina N.A.

Dr. Sci. (Phil.), Assoc.Prof., Leading Researcher, the Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia kasavina.na@yandex.ru

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Kasavina N.A. Welfare state: between humanism and pragmatism. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2018. No 10. P. 34-43


The article problematizes the concepts of “humanism” and “welfare state”, which relationship reveals their modern interpretation. The welfare state is understood in two aspects: as a way of relieving social tension (pragmatic aspect) and the movement of society to the implementation of civilizational humanist choice (ideological aspect). Both of these aspects have got a high degree of relevance for modern Russia in local and global contexts. The crisis of humanism is interpreted in the context of the problem of alienation of existence that captures the frustration of philosophical thought of the 20th century in regard to humanistic ideals. It is shown that the social sciences and humanities searched for the implementation of the ideals (for example, existential sociology and existential jurisprudence). The new humanism, which includes the concept of “welfare state”, supports a significant project of Russian society modernization.

welfare State; humanism; the crisis of humanism; existential jurisprudence; existential sociology; social tensions


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Content No 10, 2018