Job Search Strategies of University Graduates: Prevalence and Effectiveness

Job Search Strategies of University Graduates: Prevalence and Effectiveness

Varshavskaya E.Ya.

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof., Department of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management, Graduate School of Business, HSE University, Moscow, Russia

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Varshavskaya E.Ya. Job Search Strategies of University Graduates: Prevalence and Effectiveness. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2019. No 7. P. 56-66


The article is aimed to analyze the prevalence and the relative effectiveness of job search methods and strategies by Russian universities graduates. Empirical analysis is carried out on sample data from the federal survey of Russian university graduates who completed their studies in 2010–2015 embracing 20 551 graduates. Our results show that the most common job search strategies are combined, including both formal and informal methods, as well as relatives’ and friends’ help and/or direct contact with possible employers. Average of search channels used is 3. More vulnerable graduate groups use more job search channels. Most effective strategies include job search with the help of relatives and friends, direct contacting enterprises and assistance of educational organizations. According to the results, the job search strategies choice and the popularity of search channels are mainly connected with total effectiveness of these search methods. The main determinant in the search channels choice is the expected return in terms of, above all, probability of finding a job. This fact confirms the rationality of the search strategies choice.

job search; graduate labor market; school-to-work transition; higher education


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Content No 7, 2019