War in the Subject Field of Modern Foreign Sociology

War in the Subject Field of Modern Foreign Sociology

Obraztsov I.V.

Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Prof., the Department of Sociology, Head of Sociological Laboratory, Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow, Russia igorobraztsov@rambler.ru

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For citation:

Obraztsov I.V. War in the Subject Field of Modern Foreign Sociology. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2023. No 5. P. 167-172


Based on the comparative analysis of the latest foreign publications: the textbook by W.J. Scott, K.M. De Angelis, D.R. Segal “Military Sociology. A Guided Introduction” (2022) and S. Malešević’s monograph “Why Humans Fight: The Social Dynamics of Close-Range Violence” (2022) the author examines the place and role of war in the subject area of sociology. In the context of two main approaches implemented in reviewed publications: “military sociology” and “sociology of war”, both their advantages and disadvantages are outlined when analyzing the causes and role of wars and violence at the present stage of social development. The author concludes that the attention of foreign researchers to the study of war as a social phenomenon is a stark contrast to increased against ignoring this problem in Russian sociology.

military sociology; military conflict; review; sociological literature; sociology of war; violence; war


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Content No 5, 2023