‘Polit-tusovka’ – alternative public space in youth politics realm

‘Polit-tusovka’ – alternative public space in youth politics realm

Zhelnina A.A.

National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, St.-Petersburg, Russia azhelnina@gmail.com

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For citation:

Zhelnina A.A. ‘Polit-tusovka’ – alternative public space in youth politics realm. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2014. No 3. P. 80-88


The article is devoted to the discussion club “Politgramota”, which is considered an alternative public space for youth that allows members to socialize as professional politicians, journalists and activists, but also as venue to swork out a collective strategy to overcome barriers to entry the “adult” life, creating alternative space and rethinking traditional political institutions.

young people; politics; socialization
Content No 3, 2014