Out of family:
“foster care” system in modern Russia
Noskova A.V.
Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Prof., Department of Sociology of MGIMO University, Moscow, Russia a.noskova@inno.mgimo.ru
Titova M.A.
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia aviamaria@yandex.ru
Vasil’ev A.A.
Tomilino children village, Moscow, Russia anatoliy.vasiliev@sos-dd.org
Kishkin M.I.
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia kishkinm@gmail.com
Noskova A.V., Titova M.A., Vasil’ev A.A., Kishkin M.I. Out of family: “foster care” system in modern Russia. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2016. No 8. P. 54-64
The article analyzes contemporary practices of foster care in Russia and abroad to find out social conditions of foster children welfare and health. Statistic data show that in Russia school system modernization has led to a reducing number of state boarding schools for orphans and neglected children. However, total amount of neglected children remains high. The problem of foster children successful socialization is not solved by their simple placement in foster families. The research focuses on a case-study of Tomilino foster-community as an example of successful foster care. In addition to its insights on solidarization process as social condition of personal welfare and health, the study also reveals important role of education style in shaping the way for a group to motivate its member to personal achievements and family consciousness.