Values and socio-political attitudes in contemporary Russia

Values and socio-political attitudes in contemporary Russia

Kuznetsov I.M.

PhD in Sociology, Leading Research Fellow at the Department of Ethnosociology, Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia

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Kuznetsov I.M. Values and socio-political attitudes in contemporary Russia. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 1. P. 47-55


The article discusses transformation of values in modern Russia. This process does not involve replacing outdated values by more relevant ones, but gradual evolving of values in current social system. Moreover, evolution of values is more intense and adaptive in changeable fields of activities. This approach is implemented through the data analysis of representative polls conducted in 2014–2015 in Moscow (N=800), Moscow region (N =800), Kaliningrad region (N =700) and Astrakhan region (N =700) within the project “A resource of interethnic consent in consolidation of Russian society: general and special in regional diversity” (RSF grant No. 14-18-01963). The total sampling is 3000 respondents. The main conclusion is that content of values for the vast majority of population in studied regions is in process of revision. Less than a third of respondents has systematic traditionalist value dispositions. Therefore, the problem is actualizing, demanding detailed study of the uncertainty value and its possible consequences for social stability. This problem exists not only in Russia, but also in many countries of Western Europe.

traditional system of values; secular-rational system of values; interethnic consent; socio-political orientations; traditionalist majority


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Content No 1, 2017