Formation of a social state as a way of successful evolution of society

Formation of a social state as a way of successful evolution of society

Lapin N.I.

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof., Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Centre for Socio-cultural Changes Studies, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

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Lapin N.I. Formation of a social state as a way of successful evolution of society. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2018. No 8. P. 3-11


The author believes that it would be expedient to continue in scientific journals and mass media the reflection started in 2017 among varied layers of the population about ways of changing the society practiced in Soviet Russia a hundred years ago - revolutionarily simplified and scientifically substantiated, evolutionary ones. The topicality of this reflection enhances under the conditions of «financialization» of global economics that has concen¬trated 80% of the global income in the ownership of 1% of the world's population. Similar property cleavage and contrast between incomes of the population appeared in the financialized economy of post-Soviet Russia. They are indicative of synergic complexity of the Russian and other societies, intensify the need for their evolutionary selfdevelopment, excluding simplifications and resting on cultural specificities of the population. In Russia, the most favourable results were obtained when the regulatory influences from above and from below - from the state and from the civil society - were compromisingly combined. This combination may ensure the implementation of the concept of a social state as the constitutional principle of the Russian Federation (article 7 of the Constitution). Now Russia has come to the possibility of self-creation of a social state as a constitutional perspective and its historically new quality. Resting on general Russian and regional specificities, it would be appropriate to use the historically tested forms and methods of this process: complex modernization; multi-level balance of incomes and expenditures, progressive tax system for high incomes; principles of social market economy; consecutive enhancement of the role of the democratic law-state in creating conditions for man's self-development, his culture and civil society. An alternative might be socio-humanitarian and civilizational misfortunes.

discourse on the ways to change society; social state; ways of its formation; self-sufficient society; property-related split of population; financialization of economics; information stage of modernization; social market economy; social compromise


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Content No 8, 2018