Leisure Practices of Russian Employees as a Factor of Their Human Potential Formation

Leisure Practices of Russian Employees as a Factor of Their Human Potential Formation

Latova N.V.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Senior Researcher, Institute of Sociology of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology RAS, Moscow, Russia myshona@rambler.ru

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Latova N.V. Leisure Practices of Russian Employees as a Factor of Their Human Potential Formation. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2019. No 11. P. 63-72


In the analysis of the human potential of employees in modern Russia, the broad interpretation of human capital is used, including, in addition to educational characteristics, a more diverse range of indicators. Human potential is considered as a set of basic personal characteristics (education, health, Internet), which are significantly influenced by leisure practices. On the basis of the concept of R. Stebbins the typology of modern leisure practices from the point of view of their influence on human potential is offered. Based on the analysis of the data of an all-Russian survey conducted in October 2018 by the Institute of sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, it is concluded that leisure practices in modern Russian society enshrine social differentiation. This is manifested in the fact that representatives of higher-status professional groups (entrepreneurs, managers, specialists) not only have better human potential than representatives of low-status professional groups (workers), but also more often they participate in such forms of leisure that contribute to the preservation and growth of human potential.

human potential; human capital; leisure; education; health; internet; professional groups


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Content No 11, 2019