Digital Culture of the Russian Society and the State

Digital Culture of the Russian Society and the State

Levashov V.K.

Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Head оf the Center for Strategic Social and Socio-political Research, Institute of Socio-Political Research of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia.

Grebnyak O.V.

Junior Research Fellow оf the Center for Strategic Social and Socio-political Research, Institute of Socio-Political Research of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia

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For citation:

Levashov V.K., Grebnyak O.V. Digital Culture of the Russian Society and the State. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2020. No 5. P. 79-89


The article analyzes actual problems of digital society formation in Russia. The authors focus on the reserves of digital political culture of citizens as a problem factor that can accelerate or slow down the implementation of the national program “Digital Economy” and “Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017–2030”. Sociological analysis is based on the results of the research of the Center for strategic social and socio-political research of the ISPI RAS, data from surveys of the research company Mediascope and the analytical center of NAFI, as well as a generalization of empirical observations of the functioning of a number of large electronic platforms. According to the authors, despite the success of the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT), Russian society and the state are only beginning to form a digital political culture in the system of existing socio-political relations and institutions. The use of modern ICTs by citizens is still mainly related to electronic markets for goods, banking and utilities, and recreation. The most important condition for successful solution of complex problems of digitalizing Russian society is understanding by individual citizens in general and civil society of social nature and significance of the implementation of information and communication technologies and formation on this basis of high motivation and digital culture for sustainable development.

digital political culture; digital economy; Internet; social inequality; digitalization; information deficit theory


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Content No 5, 2020