“Transition from History to Sociology” in N.I. Kareev’s Conception and Historical Sociology
Кozlova L.А.
Assistant Professor, Cand. Sci. (Philos.), Head of the Sociology of Science Sector, Institute of Sociology FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia LarissaKozlova@yandex.ru
Кozlova L.А. “Transition from History to Sociology” in N.I. Kareev’s Conception and Historical Sociology. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2021. No 4. P. 15-24
The article discusses the assumption about the connection of some ideas of Nikolai Ivanovich Kareev (1850–1931) with the current direction of social and humanitarian knowledge – historical sociology (HS). It is emphasized that neither sociologists nor historians still have precise and well-established criteria for defining HS, which complicates the task of comparing the ideas of HS and N.I. Kareev’s conception. In order to find such criteria, theoretical features of the three “waves” of HS developed in Western science, as well as the features of historical and sociological knowledge in Russia during the time of N.I. Kareev are discussed. The author chooses two criteria, which, in her opinion, make it possible to compare Kareev’s approach with logical constructions of HS: the simultaneous presence of two aspects – temporality (characteristic for history) and theoreticalness (characteristic for sociology). Kareev’s works on the theory of historical process, in which he seeks to make “the transition from history to sociology”, are considered. Particular attention is paid to his “typological point of view on the study of history”. The author comes to a conclusion that the logic of the synthesis of the two sciences, undertaken by N.I. Kareev, was close to the logic of the theoretical constructions of historical sociology in its disciplinary status several decades later. According to the author, this conclusion may become a basis for a deeper study of the connection between Kareev’s ideas and the ideas of HS and for the possible inclusion the academic contribution of the great Russian scholar to the historiography of this discipline.
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