Request for Global Dialogue (Notes From the XX World Sociological Association Congress)

Request for Global Dialogue (Notes From the XX World Sociological Association Congress)

Kirdina-Chandler S.G.

Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Chief Researcher, Head of the Сentre at the Institute of Economics of RAS, Moscow, Russia

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Kirdina-Chandler S.G. Request for Global Dialogue (Notes From the XX World Sociological Association Congress). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2023. No 12. P. 3-14


The 20th Congress of the International Sociological Association in Melbourne, Australia, June 25 – July 1, 2023, demonstrated a number of trends in modern sociological knowledge development. The paper explores one of the noted trends, namely the request for a new global dialogue between countries. In contrast to the “unilateral dialogue” from the position of Western world leaders in academia, the new dialogue involves a process of communicative interaction with at least two equal international centers capable of not only hearing each other, but also aimed at the development of each of these centers and mutual understanding between them. Such a global dialogue is aimed at overcoming the aggression caused by the “monologue” egoistic view of the world. The paper discusses the causes and meaning of the global dialogue, shows indicators that request for such a dialogue, identifies existing obstacles to the dialogue and ways to overcome them. The prospect for Russian sociologists to contribute to the global humanitarian dialogue in the modern world is argued for. The paper is based on an analysis of the congress materials and personal impressions during its sessions, a review of the relevant literature and some bibliometric data.

global dialogue; contemporary sociological theory; peripheral turn; postcolonial discourse; theoretical synthesis


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Content No 12, 2023