Dynamics of Inter-Ethnic Attitudes of Russians: Research Results 1995–2023

Dynamics of Inter-Ethnic Attitudes of Russians:
Research Results 1995–2023

Voronina N.S.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Senior Researcher, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia navor@bk.ru

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Work on this paper was supported by RSF Project No. 23-18-00635.

For citation:

Voronina N.S. Dynamics of Inter-Ethnic Attitudes of Russians: Research Results 1995–2023. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 1. P. 51-62


The article analyzes the Russians’ interethnic attitudes dynamics based on five waves of 1995–2023 surveys. Based on the materials of the longitudinal study RUSSET (Russian Socio-Economic Trends) and the CESSI study, it is shown that interethnic attitudes among Russians have changed significantly over 28 years after 1999. In 2023, there is a trend of decreasing negative interethnic attitudes towards representatives of national minorities, which may be due to shifting population attention to confrontation with the “collective West”. Negative interethnic attitudes are most common in the age group of 66 and older due to lacking contact of this age group with representatives of national minorities. Positive interethnic attitudes are common in groups with a high level of education, high income, as well as in the group of respondents who feel safe in their immediate environment. In 1995, 1996 and 1999, the interethnic attitudes of Russians were influenced by the trust indicator: the less respondents trust people, the more negative the interethnic attitudes. In 2023, the greatest influence is exerted by the frequency of contacts with representatives of national minorities, namely, the presence of representatives of national minorities in the family increases positive interethnic attitudes.

interethnic (international) attitudes; interethnic relations; longitudinal research; trust; contact; national minorities


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Content No 1, 2024