Is the Quality of Russian Professionals’ Human Capital Sufficient to Address New Challenges?

Is the Quality of Russian Professionals’ Human Capital Sufficient to Address New Challenges?

Temnitskiy A.L.

Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Assoc. Prof., Sociological Department, MGIMO University; Leading Researcher, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia

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For citation:

Temnitskiy A.L. Is the Quality of Russian Professionals’ Human Capital Sufficient to Address New Challenges?. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 2. P. 159-168


The paper provides author’s considerations and content analysis of the collective monograph titled ‘Human Capital of Russian Professionals: Current State, Evolution, Factors.’ Conventional tools of sociological research methodology have been used to interpret and provide an understanding of the content of this comprehensive diagnostic research. By referencing the monograph, the author attempted to identify the purpose and objectives of the research and its hypotheses and to determine the benchmarks and the standard type of professional. Focus is given to providing theoretical grounds and distinguishing empirically a group of professionals. Heterogeneity in sociodemographic and employment characteristics is assumed to be most vulnerable when using a figured-out group of professionals in the analysis and for conclusions. The heterogeneity manifestations become even more noticeable considering the professional composition of the group. Analysis of the quality of professionals’ human capital provided abundant results that were further used to highlight the attributes that indicate self-sufficiency (or self-non-sufficiency) in achieving success. Due to secondary role that the authors revealed as a contrast to institutional factors (primarily, place of residence), human capital cannot be asserted to be autonomous and sufficient to solve the tasks within the modernization of economy and society.

professionals; occupational groups; human capital; diagnostic study; heterogeneity; success


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Content No 2, 2024