Belarusian Authors on the Pages of the Journal “Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniia”
Danilov А.N.
Corresponding member of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Dr. Sci. (Sociology), Prof., Head of the Department of Sociology, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus
Danilov А.N. Belarusian Authors on the Pages of the Journal “Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniia”. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 8. P. 117-123
The journal became both an educational and a discussion platform. It developed the basics of understanding sociological science, its methodology and research procedures, and studied current problems of modern society. The journal “Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniia” (“Sociological Studies”) was founded in 1974 at the Institute of Sociological Research of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and it was not easy to get started. Since the first issues of the journal, Belarusian sociologists have been actively collaborating with it. The paper reveals the cooperation of Belarusian sociologists of different generations with the journal (for more information, see the publications of G. P. Davidyuk, E. M. Babosov, G. N. Sokolova, L. G. Titarenko). The experience of the sociologists in the regions and in the specific enterprises has been in the centre of attention since the first issues of the journal. The journal survived and maintained its high status and authority despite the collapse of the USSR, the severing of scientific ties and the disintegration of the once unified research space. In these difficult conditions, the role of the journal in the maintenance of scientific relations has increased dramatically, and new names have been discovered, including those of Belarusian sociologists. In 1998 a special thematic issue “Belarus. The Time of Hope” (No. 9) was published. It was entirely devoted to the development of sociology in Belarus. The journal makes it possible to publish the contents of the “Journal of the Belarusian State University. Sociology”. Besides the works of experienced authors, the journal publishes articles written by the younger generation of professional Belarusian sociologists.
Danilov A. N. (2023) Applied Sociology of Professor G. P. Davidyuk and Revival of Sociological Science in the Belorusian Soviet Socialist Republic. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. No. 6: 144–151. (In Russ.)
Department of Sociology of BSU: history and Modernity. On the 25th anniversary of its creation. Minsk: BGU. (In Russ.)
Dmitriev A. V. (1989) Theory for the practice socialism’s development. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. No. 1: 3–8. (In Russ.)
Dmitriev A. V. (1990) To our readers. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. No. 1: 3. (In Russ.)
Dmitriev A. V., Ivanov V. N., Toshchenko Zh.T. (2018) So How Was It Really? On the History of the Rebirth of Sociology in the USSR. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. No. 11: 134–145 (In Russ.)
Ianovsky R. G. (1989) The potential of socialism and the ideology of renewal. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. No. 5: 36–41. (In Russ.)
Memory and glory: Georgy Petrovich Davidyuk. On the 100th anniversary of his birth. (2023) Ed. by A. N. Danilov et al. Minsk: BGU. (In Russ.)
Novikova L. G., Ovsyanikov A. A., Rotman D. G. (1989) The Stereotypes of historical self‑consciousness (by the data of interregional research). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. No. 5: 3–12. (In Russ.)
Russian sociology of the sixties in memoirs and documents. (1999) Ed. and preface by G. S. Batygin; ed.comp. by S. F. Yarmolyuk. St. Petersburg: RHGI. (In Russ.)
Toshchenko Zh.T. (1998) Belarus: a time of hope. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. No. 9: 3. (In Russ.)