Social Well- Being and Adaptation Practices of the Population of Tuva: Gender Differentiation

Social Well- Being and Adaptation Practices of the Population of Tuva:
Gender Differentiation

Balakina G.F.

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Chief Researcher, the Tuvinian Institute for Exploration of Natural Resources of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Kyzyl, Russia

Natsak O.D.

Cand. Sci. (Philos.), Academic Secretary, Tuvan Institute of Humanitarian and Applied Socio- Economic Research under the Govern ment of the Republic of Tuva, Kyzyl, Russia

ID of the Article: 10175

The article was prepared as part of the RSF research project No. 23-28-10009.

For citation:

Balakina G.F., Natsak O.D. Social Well- Being and Adaptation Practices of the Population of Tuva: Gender Differentiation. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 8. P. 155-160


The authors have explored the features of the assessing the socio- economic situation in the Republic of Tuva by representatives of the gender groups on the basis of a sociological survey conducted under the guidance of the authors of the article in June- July 2023. They have analyzed social success of the chosen life strategies in terms of social well-being, life expectancy, and work preferences. The authors have found an increased propensity to risk in the male gender group compared to the female, as well as deviant behavior, passivity, and a reduced desire to find one’s own niche in market conditions. The gender contrast in the level of general and individual economic optimism/pessimism is due to a higher education level of women in Tuva and, as a result, corresponding socio- professional status and income. A low social activity of men arises out the high unemployment rate in Tuva, low rate of creative high-tech, well-paid jobs. The lag of men in these areas is a cause of insecurity, anxiety and fears for the economic situation of the families. Tuvan men have a slightly lower level of optimism than women, what does not coincide with the trends in modern development. We conclude that men choose less socially successful adaptation practices, which, along with genetic trends in female longevity, leads to a lower life expectancy and a reduced level of social well-being.

Republic of Tuva; gender group; men; women; social well-being; adaptation practices; social deviations


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Content No 8, 2024