Аnтhropologist Overturn and Challenges for Ethno- Sociology (Invitation to Discussion)

Аnтhropologist Overturn and Challenges for Ethno- Sociology (Invitation to Discussion)

Popkov Yu.V.

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof., Chief Researcher of the Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia yuripopkov54@mail.ru

ID of the Article: 10203

For citation:

Popkov Yu.V. Аnтhropologist Overturn and Challenges for Ethno- Sociology (Invitation to Discussion). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 9. P. 43-55


The paper analyzes the set of issues related to current problems and eventual prospects  of ethno‑ sociology as a meaningful academic component and feasible disciplinary bgranch in studying  ethnic phenomenon. First, contradictory “state of affairs” is diagnosed in this sphere due to the ethnologic  (anthropologic) turn. Among real threats for ethnology understood in a wide meaning of the term, including the  ethno‑ sociology, we find the denial in the post‑ Soviet period of the importance of domestic research experience;  the active imposition of Western standards in ethnological research; the dominance and absolutization of  anthropologism (anthropocentrism) and constructivism; the absence of ethnosociology in the current Russian  educational standard. The passing away of influential founders of ethnosociology, who played an important role  in preserving its scientific traditions, as well as the lacking clarity of the subject definition of ethnosociology, are  also important. The author’s vision of the essence of the highlighted issues is presented.

ethnos; ethnology; anthropology; ethno‑sociology; nationalpolitics; Novosibirsk Scientific Ethnosociological School


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Content No 9, 2024