Developing Stereotype “The Fighting People” of Russians (Discource and Content-Analysis of China Media and On-line “Weibo” Networks

Developing Stereotype “The Fighting People” of Russians (Discource and Content-Analysis of China Media and On-line “Weibo” Networks

Xue Ranran

PhD, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

Lukin A.V.

Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Director of the Center of China, East Asia and Shanghai Cooperation Organization, MGIMO Uni versity, Visiting Professor, School of Public Affairs, Zhejiang University

Bocharova A.P.

Research Fellow, HSE University, Moscow, Russia.

ID of the Article: 10208

In A. Lukin's and A.Bocharova's parts the study was supported by MGIMO University, project no. 2025-04-03.

For citation:

Xue Ranran, Lukin A.V., Bocharova A.P. Developing Stereotype “The Fighting People” of Russians (Discource and Content-Analysis of China Media and On-line “Weibo” Networks. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 9. P. 100-113


The theory of stereotypes, particularly national or ethnic stereotypes, has garnered significant attention from sociologists, political scientists, and scholars of international relations due to its theoretical significance and political implications. Stemming from Walter Lippmann’s notion of stereotypes as simplified mental pictures reflecting reality, this paper delves into the formation and evolution of stereotypes, particularly focusing on the Chinese perception of Russians as a “Fighting People” Examining the emergence of the term “Fighting People” in Chinese discourse, the paper traces its origin from online fandom of a Japanese anime series to its widespread adoption in official and unofficial Chinese media. Utilizing discourse, content, and sentiment analysis of online platforms such as Weibo, the study explores the propagation of this stereotype and its cultural connotations.

theory of stereotypes; public opinion; “fighting people”; Chinese media; online platforms


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Content No 9, 2024