Vertical Mobility in Russian Politics

Vertical Mobility in Russian Politics

Kryshtanovskaya O.V.

Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Director, Scientific Center of Digital Sociology ”Yadov-center“, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia.

Lavrov I.A.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Deputy director, Scientific Center of Digital Sociology ”Yadov-center“, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia.

ID of the Article: 10238

For citation:

Kryshtanovskaya O.V., Lavrov I.A. Vertical Mobility in Russian Politics. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 10. P. 25-39


The article is devoted to the comprehension of the current vertical mobility channels in Russian politics. Not only the stability, functioning and development of the political system, but also the maintenance of the legitimacy of the ruling class depend on their parameters and efficiency. Based on long-term monitoring of the political elite recruitment, we analyzed the educational and professional experience of the current establishment members, as well as their geographical mobility. Total number of the studied group as of 01.01.2024 amounted to 885 people. The best prospects for an upward career trajectory are given to people born in Moscow, less often in St. Petersburg. People who grew up in the regions, to increase their chances, must move to 5 hub cities, from which their opportunities to enter the elite sharply increase. Our analysis of educational mobility also shows overconcentration: three universities prevail in the rating of elite universities – Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University and MGIMO University. Professional upward flows are also characterized by low throughput: political career is promoted by three spheres of activity – housing, utilities and construction, finance and law. Overconcentration of upward mobility flows leads to negative consequences: the political system is perceived by citizens as unfair; the elite is largely delegitimized. This situation also hinders the development of meritocratic mechanisms selecting personnel for the establishment. To optimize the selection process, it is necessary to strengthen competition in selection, which will improve the quality of incorporated personnel and increase the ability of the system to withstand threats and challenges.

Russia; elite; vertical mobility; social lifts; geomobility; education; career; professions; regions


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Content No 10, 2024