The Role of Peer Review in Raising Quality of Scientific Sociological Knowledge (the case of Sociological Studies)

The Role of Peer Review in Raising Quality of Scientific Sociological Knowledge (the case of Sociological Studies)

Demidenko S.Yu.

Researcher, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS; Executive Secretary (editor), the journal “Sociological Studies”

ID of the Article: 10242

For citation:

Demidenko S.Yu. The Role of Peer Review in Raising Quality of Scientific Sociological Knowledge (the case of Sociological Studies). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 10. P. 80-92


The article focuses on the process of reviewing articles submitted to Russian sociological journals. Requirements for peer review procedures, its types and organization features are discussed. The problematic aspects of the review process in modern conditions are emphasized: excessive formalism, contradictory assessments, narrow circle of reviewers, dishonesty and violation of scientific ethics. The types of peer review used are discussed: main editor peer review, open peer review, single blind peer review, doudle- blind peer review. Attention is focused on the procedure for reviewing articles in the editorial office of the journal “Sociological Studies”, including taking into account changes over the past 10–15 years. The criterias and forms of assessment are being analyzed. The collegial nature of the evaluation of incoming articles is emphasized. A number of issues related to building scientific communication, in particular the interaction of the editorial board with the sociological community, are touched upon. The problematic aspects are summarized: the reduction of the scientific community, its disunity, methodological pluralism, etc., which affect the review process. The conclusion is made about the important role of peer review in the development and support of not only the sociological community, but also sociology as a science in general, because this is an important and integral part of the production of new knowledge.

scientific sociological journals; peer review; editorial board of the journal; reviewers; scientific communication; sociological community; scientific ethics


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Content No 10, 2024