Youth Policy and Work with Youth in Kazakhstan: Official Rhetoric and Everyday Practice

Youth Policy and Work with Youth in Kazakhstan:
Official Rhetoric and Everyday Practice

Teslenko A.N.

Dr. Sci. (Pedag.) (RK), Dr. Sci. (Sociol) (RF), Prof. of the Department of Social and Pedagogical Disciplines, Abai Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University, Kazakhstan

ID of the Article: 10248

The paper was written out within the framework of the scientific project AR14869235 “Youth work as a condition for the successful socialization of student youth” under the state grant funding program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (No. 8 dated September 2, 2022).

For citation:

Teslenko A.N. Youth Policy and Work with Youth in Kazakhstan: Official Rhetoric and Everyday Practice. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 10. P. 151-157


The youth state policy is the object of a wide sector of the relationships between the young generation and society. Based on sociological survey and a series of focus groups conducted in 15 cities of republican, regional and local levels in the autumn 2022 – spring 2023, the author analyzes the ideas of young Kazakhstanis about the youth policy of the state and the features of youth work at their place of study or work. The results of the survey show that youth work is associated with educational work in educational institutions, the activities of committees for youth affairs, structures of school and student self-government. In recent years, young Kazakhstanis have noticed no serious turn of the state towards solving their urgent problems and are quite skeptical about the actions of the authorities and public structures. Hence the civic passivity and apoliticality of young people against the backdrop of social problems practically unknown to previous generations, such as unemployment, drugs, social inequality and marginalization, and the lack of effective mechanisms for their solution.

youth; youth policy; youth work; juvenitization; youth public associations; youth committees; youth resource centers; organizer of work with youth


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Content No 10, 2024