Institutional, Historical, and Cultural Frameworks of Shaping the All- Russian Identity in the Northern Caucasus. Ed. by V. A. Avksentiev, M. M. Shulga. Rostov-on- Don: YuNC RAN, 2022. Reviewed by A. Z. Adiev

Institutional, Historical, and Cultural Frameworks of Shaping the All- Russian Identity in the Northern Caucasus. Ed. by V. A. Avksentiev, M. M. Shulga. Rostov-on- Don:
YuNC RAN, 2022. Reviewed by A. Z. Adiev

Adiev A.Z.

Cand. Sci. (Polit.), Senior Research Fellow, Regional Centre for Ethnopolitical Researches, Dagestan Federal Research Center RAS, Makhachkala, Russia

ID of the Article: 10251

The article written as part of the Program of scientific research related to the study of the ethno- cultural diversity of Russian society and aimed at strengthening the all- Russian identity in 2023–2025 (Headed by Academician of RAS V. A. Tishkov). Project “Patriotism as an integrating value of a multi- ethnic Russian society” (FSRN-2023-0025).

Rubric: Book reviews

For citation:

Adiev A.Z. Institutional, Historical, and Cultural Frameworks of Shaping the All- Russian Identity in the Northern Caucasus. Ed. by V. A. Avksentiev, M. M. Shulga. Rostov-on- Don: YuNC RAN, 2022. Reviewed by A. Z. Adiev. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 10. P. 168-172



Content No 10, 2024