Persistent Poverty in Russia: a Qualitative Study

Persistent Poverty in Russia:
a Qualitative Study

Nazarbaeva E.A.

Research Fellow, Centre for Studies of Income and Living Standards of HSE University, Moscow, Russia.

Khalina N.V.

Research Fellow, Centre for Studies of Income and Living Standards of HSE University, Moscow, Russia.

Pishnyak A.I.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Center Director, Centre for Studies of Income and Living Standards of HSE University, Moscow, Russia.

ID of the Article: 10274

The article was prepared in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2022-325).

For citation:

Nazarbaeva E.A., Khalina N.V., Pishnyak A.I. Persistent Poverty in Russia: a Qualitative Study. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 11. P. 48-58


The article is devoted to the analyses of persistent poverty in comparison with transitory one. A huge number of studies is already done in this area, however, applying primarily quantitative methodology. The objective of our study is to explore the persistent poverty using qualitative methods. As the literature review demonstrates that families with children are one of the main categories at risk of chronic poverty, the study is focused on this category. Using the data of focus- group discussions (FGDs) conducted in summer 2023 with both persistent poor and those with transitory poverty experiences, we argue that chronically poor do not describe themselves as poor. Moreover, they underestimate duration of living below the poverty line and the risks of their position arguing that they are able to improve it (primarily in terms of income). During the FGDs the study participants discussed the cases of the other poor and their capability to quit poverty as well as their own capabilities. Persistently poor population is able to formulate various strategies to overcome poverty for others (like activities in labor market, applying for social benefits etc.), however, they are not ready to use the same steps for themselves. They appeal to their negative experience at the labor market, necessity to spend much time with children and being not ready to radically change their habits.

poverty; chronic poverty; persistent poverty; transitory poverty; poverty perception


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Content No 11, 2024