Political Orientations of Today Schoolchildren (the Сase of Senior Grade high School Students in the Sverdlovsk Region)

Political Orientations of Today Schoolchildren (the Сase of Senior Grade high School Students in the Sverdlovsk Region)

Merenkov A.V.

Dr. Sci. (Phil.), Prof. of the Department of Applied Sociology, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia. anatoly.mer@gmail.com

Drovneva A.V.

Master of Sociology, Advisor to the Director for Education and Interaction with Other Educational Organizations, Secondary School No. 8, Kashino, Sverdlovsk Region, Russia. av.troshkova15@mail.ru

ID of the Article: 10289

For citation:

Merenkov A.V., Drovneva A.V. Political Orientations of Today Schoolchildren (the Сase of Senior Grade high School Students in the Sverdlovsk Region). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 11. P. 161-165


In April 2024, the Department of Applied Sociology of the Ural Federal University interviewed 875 high school students from schools in the Sverdlovsk Region. A majority of adolescents 15–17 years old have formed an initial block of political orientations related to awareness: 73% of students in grades 9–11 show interest in information about political events. The greatest activity in the formation of the second block, aimed at developing ability to analyze the goals of social groups involved in political processes, is shown by 10th grade students. High school students are also developing a practice‑ oriented block of political orientations: 61% consider it necessary to participate in the discussion and implementation of projects for the development of their settlement or region. A worrying signal is absence of actors whose opinions about politics are significantly trusted by high school students, while they still trust their teachers more often than their parents.

socialization; political orientations; students of secondary schools


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Content No 11, 2024