Educational and Labor Migrants from Post- Soviet Countries:
Adaptation in Russian Society and Integration Attitudes (comparative analysis)
Endryushko A.A
Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia
Endryushko A.A Educational and Labor Migrants from Post- Soviet Countries: Adaptation in Russian Society and Integration Attitudes (comparative analysis). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 12. P. 60-73
The article offers a comparative analysis of adaptation in Russian society and integration attitudes of two external migrants groups: educational and young working (aged 16–30). Based on the three (2017, 2020, 2023) sociological surveys data of foreign citizens from post‑ Soviet states, the author examines socio‑ economic and socio‑ cultural aspects of adaptation in Russian society of educational and labor migrants comparing their integration attitudes, which imply not only the desire to stay living in Russia, but also the search for common ground between their native culture and the culture of the host society. It is shown that according to a number of indicators (the main being a good knowledge of the Russian language), educational migrants adapt better to the host society than working foreign youth. They also have longer‑term plans in Russia, and their intentions go beyond superficial adaptation. At the same time, having social capital, they are more demanding for the social environment that surrounds them in the new society. Their plans may be more flexible and situational than those of labor migrants, including reorientation towards other countries.
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