Postmodernism and sociological theory

Postmodernism and sociological theory

Chudova I.А.

Cand. Sci (Soc.), Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology Faculty of Economics, National Research Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia

ID of the Article: 5215

For citation:

Chudova I.А. Postmodernism and sociological theory. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2015. No 5. P. 33-41


The paper shows the place of postmodernism in sociological theory as a specific discourse of social sciences. Postmodernist dictionary and peculiarity of theoretical generalizations are demonstrated. The nature of this approach is discussed juxtaposing texts associated to modernism vs. those of postmodernists. In case of modernism, conceptual row of order, rationality, institute, actions, as well as specific generalizations based on the idea of controls and determinism are deployed, while in the second one notions of consumption, practices, discourse, identity and metaphorically ironical removal of causality in generalizations are normally used.

discourse; discursive reading/vision; postmodernism; modernity; dictionary; style of generalizing
Content No 5, 2015