Women migrants in the niche of household labor in Russia

Women migrants in the niche of household labor in Russia

Karachurina L.B.

National research university Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia lkarachurina@hse.ru

ID of the Article: 5222

For citation:

Karachurina L.B. Women migrants in the niche of household labor in Russia. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2015. No 5. P. 93-101


Using the data of the purposive sampling (2008–2010 and 2013) undertaken by The Migration Research Center the author attempted to create a “portrait” (set of social, demographic and economic traits) of the female labor migrants from the CIS countries working as the domestic hired employees in Russia. The analysis showed that the domestic hired female labor migrants stand in a better position compared to other groups of the foreign migrants because they are provided with the place to live and higher wages or salaries. On the other hand, they stay under more difficult conditions characterized by informal labor position and domestic labor practices. Examining this population group we face a number of research topics: labor migration, female migration, individual migration, employment in the sphere of the services provision at home, especially its emotional and communicative aspects, informal employment.

labor migration; female migration; domestic workers; domestic work; care economy
Content No 5, 2015