A comparison of sociological theorizing in Russian and US academic journals

A comparison of sociological theorizing in Russian and US academic journals

Lissitskaya E.Yu.

Moscow state linguistic university, Moscow, Russia ApreJ1@ya.ru

ID of the Article: 5540

For citation:

Lissitskaya E.Yu. A comparison of sociological theorizing in Russian and US academic journals. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2014. No 9. P. 130-138


Results of a comparison between special sociological theories usage frequencies are presented obtained via content analysis of “Sociological Studies” and “American Journal of Sociology” and “American Sociological Review” for 1990–2010. In the fist stage of comparison, special sociological theories (as used by respective authors) were identified. As an index, frequency of specific theory use was found out. Second stage involved most frequently used special sociological theories with a view of presence/absence of expressed paradigmatic grounding.

sociology’s specialized branches; academic periodicals; content-analysis; paradigm; middle range theories; paradigmatic frame
Content No 9, 2014