Space and time
Zamyatin D.N.
D.S. Likhachev. Russian scientific research institute for cultural and nature heritage, Moscow, Russia
Rubric: Theory. Methodology
For citation:
Zamyatin D.N. Space and time. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2014. No 4. P. 20-29
The basic ontological models of imagination of space and movement are discussed. The paper considers how notions of travel and movement are co-related through the prism of the concept of co-spatiality. Meta-geographical approach is proposed to the study of issues of corporeality movement. The paper identifies ontological value of sacredness for the formation of the discourse of the travel.
space; movement; ontology; co-spatiality; place; way; journey; sacred geography; metageography
Content No 4, 2014