Survey as a tool to assess loyalty of Russian higher schools peresonnel (sociological study)

Survey as a tool to assess loyalty of Russian higher schools peresonnel (sociological study)

Аrkhipova N.I.

Russian University for Humanities, Moscow, Russia

Pomortseva I.М.

Russian University for Humanities, Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 5904

For citation:

Аrkhipova N.I., Pomortseva I.М. Survey as a tool to assess loyalty of Russian higher schools peresonnel (sociological study). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2014. No 4. P. 143-147


The paper provides an overview of various methods of diagnostics of personnel's loyalty. Results of the sociological survey on assessment of loyalty in the staff of Russian universities helped to identify key parameters of motivation of the faculty.

loyalty; motivation; diagnosis of customer loyalty; management of staff in the University
Content No 4, 2014