“Phenomenon” of trust to Russia’s president
Davyborets E.N.
Far-Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia westlake@yandex.ru
Davyborets E.N. “Phenomenon” of trust to Russia’s president. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2016. No 11. P. 107-113
The paper discussses phenomenon of citizens’ high trust to Russia’s president V. Putin. The trust keeps to remain invariably strong, “not reacting” to low efficiency of govenment economic policies and protracted failure to resolve a number of serious societal issues. Among factors of trust, management of mass consciousness is detailed – utilization of various political technologies; myth-making; media support; absence of strong opposition and critics. Also, an important role is played by public activity of the politician, his personal qualities, achievements in solving some problems of citizens. Impact is also made by specifics of political culture and mentality of Russians, their gullibility and paternalism.