Russians’ views on ethnic causality of social advancement chances

Russians’ views on ethnic causality of social advancement chances

Evseeva M.A.

Junior research fellow, academic secretary of the Center for the Study Interethnic Relations, Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 6515

For citation:

Evseeva M.A. Russians’ views on ethnic causality of social advancement chances. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 1. P. 56-63


The article deals with popular ideas in different national groups concerning social inequality issue. The study was done in regions with different ethnic composition of the population and different administrative status of the territories – Moscow, Moscow Region, Kaliningrad Region, Astrakhan Region and the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic. The author argues in conclusion that the problem of social inequality in the context of ethnicity is relevant not only for republics, but for other multicultural subjects of the Russian Federation. Ethnic homogeneity of the composition of the population does not always lead to a decrease in ideas about ethnic inequality in situations of applying for a prestigious job, or participation in government offices.

equality of opportunities; polyethnicity; Russians; titular nationality


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Content No 1, 2017